General #
- Homepage: Pure HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- Blog: Hugo, typography framework Han, theme by me.
- Host: Github, automatically deployed by Cloudflare Pages.
- Font:
- Use commonly installed, default or pre-installed fonts to save more resources and load faster.
- BabelStone Shapes to display “half stars” on my stream page.
* {
/* Updated: 2024-11-14 */
--serif: Georgia, et-book, "Numeral LF Serif", "Han Songti GB", "Noto Serif SC", "Noto Serif KR", Batang, Palatino, "Palatino Linotype", "Palatino LT STD", "Book Antiqua", Georgia, serif, "Noto Emoji";
--kai: Georgia, et-book, "Numeral LF Serif", Palatino, "Palatino Linotype", "Palatino LT STD", "Book Antiqua", Georgia, "Times New Roman", "Han Kaiti GB", STKaiti, Kaiti, "Kaiti SC", Kai, FZKaiti, "Noto Serif SC", "Noto Serif KR", Batang, cursive, serif, "Noto Emoji";
--sans: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Inter, Avenir, "Helvetica Neue Book", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, "Segoe UI Variable", "Segoe UI", "Biaodian Pro Sans", "Han Heiti", Heiti, Hei, STHeiti, sans-serif, "Noto Emoji";
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--mono: ui-monospace, SF Mono, Menlo, Monaco, Andale Mono, monospace;
This site is one of the and members.
Stream Page #
This page is inspired by I use Hugo Shortcodes to translate *.md
into microformat HTML.
- Webmention: Bridgy,, Github Actions to automate I wrote a post about what’s webmention, how to enable your site to receive it, and how to integrate Mastodon (add your site to the fediverse). The post is in Chinese but I’m sure you can handle it with any translation machine.
- Listening:
What I use and recommend #
Software and Service #
- Writing: Typora
- One of the best desktop Markdown editors, cheaper than iA writer, and charges one-time.
- Code Editor: Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, Cursor
- Reading: NetNewsWire
- Good old RSS.
- Notes Taking: Obsidian + Obsidian Sync
- Previous: Logseq + OneDrive I gave up because Logseq raw files are unreadable and difficult to be exported/imported to other platforms.
- I’m also trying to leave platforms like Notion.
- Mail and Calendar: Thunderbird on Windows, Spark & Calendars by Readdle on iOS
- The latest version of Thunderbird supports end-to-end encryption/decryption, including PGP. It is open-source and much lighter than Outlook. Supports iCloud using plugins and app passwords.
- Calendars by Readdle has a wonderful monthly view and supports dragging event blocks among different days.
- Arixcel: Ctrl+Q and Ctrl+Shift+Q can save your life.
Hardware #
ThinkPad P1 Gen 5- My main working machine. It’s a workstation that’ll need to stay plugged in all day with only 2~3 hours of battery life. Must install TPFanControl if you are considering using it in quiet places. The keyboard is good. Generally okay but not recommended.
- MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2017)
- Incredibly durable, still functioning well (except the butterfly keyboard) after:
- Water damage x1
I was in total shock and my brain went blank when I accidentally spilled water out of my thermos on the keyboard. After I’m getting more conscious like after 3 seconds I put the laptop upside down to let water out from the speakers…then my parents suggested putting the machine in a rice container for a night to see how it would go. (Don’t do that. Your laptop is nothing like a Walkman or CD player back in their ages)
The next day I went to the Genius Bar and they charged ~USD$1000 and said it would be better to just buy a new one. I was so frustrated because just weeks ago I learnt that Apple had this renewal plan, which I could get my keyboard and battery renewed for free, and they’ve all gone with this.
I went back home and decided to try a third-party. The shop owner’s son helped me tear the laptop down and dry it off and here comes the magic — it simply recovered…
Just go straight to any store that can tear your machine down and dry it off.
- Battery dead + PCB burnt x1
- This was the late late consequence of the water damage. I went travelling for a week, put the laptop in sleep mode, and after I came back I couldn’t reboot it. It turned out my PCB was burnt through and there’s even a hole in it. Cost ~$120 to replace the board.
- Water damage x1
- Incredibly durable, still functioning well (except the butterfly keyboard) after:
- iPhone 13,
256G- You will need more storage if your life is tied up with WeChat and you don’t want to subscribe iCloud+.
- iPad mini (6th gen) with Apple Pencil (2nd gen)
- Best device to read and watch anything. Can be put in my jacket pocket.
- Apple Watch Series 5
- The feature I use every day is actually the Haptic (vibration) to wake me up or set a timer silently.
- AirPods Pro (2nd gen)
- A good pair of wireless earphones for commuting.
- HP DHH-3113
- A good pair of wired earphones for online meetings, two mics.
- Magic Keyboard (1st gen)
- A quality and durable one speaking of chattering and noise. Must bear with charging batteries. Got it secondhand ~$20.
- DOIO KB16B-02
- There are a bunch of similar devices out there, e.g. the fancy Stream Deck. As long as you can have about 5 to 10 additional keys to customise I think they are all the same (functionally).
Daily Life #
- Thermos JNL-352 ALB (350mL)
- My classic choice.